類          別 研究分析報告
出版品名稱 112年度「協助中小型事業疫後振興及轉型發展貸後管理計畫」
作          者 吳孟道,范秉航,黃敬翔,簡淑綺,劉育昇,施雅庭,黃子娟
語          文 中文, 總頁數  369
定          價 優惠價  
優 惠 期 間




The aim of this program is to assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have obtained post-pandemic revitalization and transformation development loans, enhancing their operational resilience and competitiveness. Specifically, we provide digital and financing diagnostic services for SMEs affected by the pandemic, helping eligible enterprises connect with financial institutions to secure the necessary funds for their transformation, thereby promoting smart development.

In collaboration with local units, we plan a series of courses for both potential and existing loan recipients to strengthen their management and financial accounting knowledge. We also produce digital educational materials to enhance the operational resilience of these enterprises.

To bolster risk management, we collect and analyze the digital footprints of enterprises that have received policy loans, reinforcing post-loan risk control and early warning models to effectively monitor potential default risks. For SMEs that have already received loans, we arrange for financial advisors to conduct follow-up visits, assess their repayment capabilities, and propose solutions to mitigate potential default risks. Establishing a verification mechanism to ensure compliance with loan application documents and eligibility criteria is also crucial for ensuring the effectiveness of the policy.

In terms of implementation outcomes, we have already provided digital diagnostic services to assist SMEs with digital optimization and financing needs, referring eligible businesses to local financial institutions for credit assessments. After securing transformation funds, we track the improvements made by these enterprises to facilitate their smart transformation and accelerate their upgrade processes.

In strengthening loan risk management, we have expanded our database to analyze the digital footprints of funded SMEs, enhancing the risk control indicators and management mechanisms for policy loans by examining their risk correlations. Additionally, we have integrated pre- and post-loan risk control information from the responsible individuals of funded SMEs into our established telecommunications risk control model to improve credit ratings and early warning systems. Regularly generating lists of potential high-risk enterprises helps us proactively monitor default risks. We also contact high-risk businesses based on risk control indicators, arranging follow-up visits by financial advisors to provide operational and financial management advice, thereby helping maintain operational momentum and reduce potential default risks.

To enhance the effectiveness of post-pandemic revitalization and transformation development loans, we have established a monitoring mechanism to ensure that loan recipients meet eligibility criteria and follow the application procedures. We also assist non-compliant businesses in repaying excess subsidy interest. From an administrative support perspective, we have gathered information on the loan promotion status and needs of SMEs, regularly proposing improvements and monitoring financial policies in major countries to provide relevant policy recommendations.

Through these initiatives, this program not only enhances the operational resilience of SMEs but also strengthens risk management, ensuring the effective implementation of policies.
第一部分、基本資料 1
壹、案名 1
貳、廠商資料 1
參、聯絡人資料 1

第二部分、計畫內容 4
壹、  計畫緣起 4
一、  背景與目的 4
二、  政策目的、計畫目標與推動策略 9
貳、  實施策略及方法 15
一、預定實施進度 15
二、專案經費與執行進度 32
三、計畫架構與分工 33
四、實施流程與方法 35
【工作分項1:提升中小企業韌性】 35
【工作分項2:強化貸款風險管理】 123
【工作分項3:診斷輔導健全體質】 200
【工作分項4:貸後查核法律協助】 281
【工作分項5:行政幕僚支援協助】 324
【工作分項6:其他交辦事項】 347
參、  後續精進方向 350
肆、  結論 352
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